
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Ask Undertaker

This deviant really IS AWESOME! XD

He poses as Undertaker and replies (most) of your questions to undertaker!
(and the drawing is awesome as well!

Check it out!
DA : http://askundertaker.deviantart.com/

So far... six questions~ ^^

Q.1 What's the recipe for your bone cookies ?

QA1 by ~AskUndertaker on deviantART

Q.2 Why is you so sexy ? BI (lol...)

QA2 by ~AskUndertaker on deviantART

Q.3 Why is your hat so awesome ?

QA3 by ~AskUndertaker on deviantART

and... lot's more...
Now go and ask! >:D

My fave so far is Q.5 I would truly love to know how you get your hair so delightfully fluffy. What's your secret? It looks so soft. :aww:

QA5 by ~AskUndertaker on deviantART

2 komentar:

  1. Aih, coba ah~

    Udah baca chapter 59 belum? UT buka poni lho :heplz:

  2. sudah dooonggg~

    maap telat reply~ XD
