
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Secret Santa Sesshomaru Wallpaper

A wallpaper I made for A secret Santa Event On TheO

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box
He glanced to the world
Through that empty window
Staring blankly, at the monochrome snow

I watched as my master sat
As the sun getting sank
Looking deeply,
Deeply into his hollow heart

A life without young mistress
A life my master would never wanted
Living without love,care, or tenderness
A life without hope and dreams in this world

I came closer, purring on his legs
Hoping he would feel better
He let out a simple smile
Burning his love letter
As he asked me to sat on his lap

He watched me , with his dry eyes
A life without her, means nothing at all
It's like seeing my master,
Living like an empty shell

I can't be compared to her
I can't fill his empty heart

I let out a soft cry
But I know,
My master was the one crying inside
If I can talk to him,
I would probably did...

But for now,
I just purred
Hoping he'll understand.
Because he is still,
Trapped in that Pandora's Box

Just a little poetry that I made for a competition
I didn't win but I still tried XD